2024 Retreat planning underway!

As always, we are excited to offer a fun and enriching program this year. We are working on the program now and will announce workshops as details become available. There are a few changes this year:

  1. St. Dorothy’s has increased their rates again this year. Most notably, the price for children staying in bunk room dorms has increased very significantly. We have kept our registration fees as low as possible to remain accessible to those who wish to join us, so we hope this will not be a deterrent. However, we can no longer offer discounted rates for children staying in double occupancy rooms.
  2. Although our meals will be served in Main House as usual, we will not have lodging, workshops, or other activities in Main House. Most programs will take place in Lydia House this year and the bunk rooms for children will be in Miriam House. We will be utilizing Farmers Lodge again this year.
  3. We will be sharing the retreat center with another group, though we don’t expect this to cause any significant changes to our usual offerings.

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